Internal medicine

Codi servei:


The lines of research of the Internal Medicine Service depend on the different units that are part of it. They all have the purpose of going in depth into the most prevalent health problems and the questions about the origin, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the speciality diseases. These are some examples of the studies:


  • Legionella
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Tromboembolic disease
  • Anticoagulant treatment
  • Antiretroviral treatment and secondary effects
  • Microbiome
  • Comorbilities in the HIV pacient
  • VIH Vaccine
  • Pluripatological and frail elderly patient
  • Complications of alcohol and drug abuse


To achieve this goal, the Internal Medicine Service has the technological platforms and labs of the Germans Trias Institute and the lab at the IrsiCaixa HIV Research Institute.


The members of the Germans Trias Internal Medicine Service are part of several research network such as RETICS orCIBER.


Els membres del Servei de Medicina Interna de Germans Trias formen part de diverses xarxes d’investigació com ara RETICS o CIBER.


Tipus Servei: 1



Undergraduate teaching

The Internal Medicine Service trains students of the Medical School of the UAB at the Can Ruti Campus and welcomes third-year Physiopathology and Clinical Semiology student practices, and fourth-year Medicine and Surgery students, and for Biomedical Sciences students, the Biological Basis of Medicine course.


Postgraduate teaching

The service trains Internal Medical specialists and coordinates and participates in two UAB official Masters: Clinical Research applied to the Health Sciences and to AIDS treatment and pathology. Most of the members of the service are doctors in Medicine and Surgery, and, therefore, qualified to be dissertation advisors.



Residents 2022

Teaching guide.

Residents 2022

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