
Codi servei:


The Ophtalmology Service participates in several clinical trials and national and international multicentric studies and supports clinical studies arising from daily applying the most innovative treatments and surgical techniques.

The members of the Service take active part in local, national and European workgroups in their subspecialities and are part of the work committees to develop protocols for the most common pathologies.


The Germans Trias Ophtalmology Service is in charge of the diagnosis and therapeutic management of infectious, degenerative, tumoral and trauma pathologies and of the visual system's congenital and acquired malformations.

It is organized in subspecialities, and each one is in charge of an area or visual system disease. This subspecialization makes the Ophtalmology Service the benchmark in the area of the Northern Barcelonès and the Maresme in ophtalmologic pathologies requiring highly complex and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic techniques typical of a third-level hospital.

The Service professionals also work closely with other hospital professionals: they actively participate in the Thyroidal Pathology Committee, the HIV Unit (Fight Aids Foundation), the Uveitis Unit - Rheumathology or the Phakomatosis Unit.

The Service aims at offering patients the best quality healthcare, and that is why the main diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are carried out according to a series of protocols previously agreed to by the members of the team.

Tipus Servei: 2

Correu: oftalmologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat


Undergraduate teaching

The Service teaches theoretical and practical courses to the fourth year students of the UAB School of Medicine at the Can Ruti campus. It has a course coordinator lecturer and two associate lecturers.


Postgraduate teaching

The service has one accredited spot per year for postgraduate teaching (MIR) since 2006. The four residents in training actively participate in healthcare and surgery, in addition to specific clinical and training activities, as well as in the clinical and basic research projects. Occasionally, the service also welcomes Ophtalmology residents from other centres who are interested in its techniques for variable training periods.


Residents information

  • Teaching guide.
  • Find out what our residents think about the Ophtalmology service of the Germans Trias


Continuous training

The Ophtalmology Service at the Germans Trias Hospital organizes a monthly monographic session for members of the service with a renown guest specialist, attended by colleagues from other regional centres.