Unitats d'Expertesa

Currently, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol (HUGTiP) has 4 accreditations for its Expert Units.


What are Expert Units?

Expert Units are groups that possess high levels of knowledge and skills related to tackling certain diseases and which comprise multidisciplinary teams of health professionals. Their purpose is to ensure equal access and high-quality, safe and efficient care for people with diseases that, due to their characteristics, require a high level of specialism. In addition, as these diseases are less prevalent, there is a need to concentrate the cases to be treated in a limited number of specialist centres.


These less common pathologies are known as rare diseases.



⇒ More information on rare diseases



Rare diseases are a very large group of clinical conditions that affect a limited number of people in relation to the general population, with more than 7,000 diseases having been identified.

The European Public Health Commission defines them as "diseases that are either life-threatening or chronically debilitating with such a low prevalence (less than 1 in 2,000 people) that their treatment requires a combined effort."

In the European Union, it is estimated that approximately 30 million people are affected by these diseases; in Spain, the figure is around 3 million, while in Catalonia, there are around 350,000 sufferers.



Know the types of Expertise Units there are 

Expert Units at Hospital Germans Trias


Below is a list of the rare diseases and pathologies that require specialist care, and for which the four Expert Units at Germans Trias Hospital are accredited: