La Residència a Germans Trias

At Germans Trias Hospital, you can do your specialized postgraduate training in medicine, psichology, nursing, pharmacy, chemistry and biology. Currently, we have 45 acredited specialities, 94 acredited places for this 2024 and a total of 316 residents in the current course.


Do you want to join us?


Check all the available information about Open Days 2024.


 Meet your speciality/ First days as a resident / External rotationsTraining specialists since 1985



Residents de cirurgia


Meet your speciality


Each service has its own training plan, based on the national programs of each speciality, and adapted to the resources of our hospital.


On the Assistance Services page of this website, in the "Teaching" section of the speciality you are interested in, you will be able to see the teaching guide and other information of interest.


You can also check it by fields:

Medicina   Medicine       Psicologia   Psichology       Farmàcia    Pharmacy      Biologia    Biology      Infermeria    Nursing
       Consulta la guia docent de cada especialitat al nostre web

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First days as a resident


Once you have chosen and obtained the place in the ministry to study the speciality at Germans Trias, you must contact the secretary of the Teaching Committee of the Hospital: 


Contacta amb la secretària de docència    

Susana Calvillo Hernández

93 497 84 86 /

Hospital Modular Espina 1.C. (accedint per l'entrada de l'edifici maternoinfantil). Dilluns - divendres de 8 a 16 h.



Documents to be prepared

  • Two passport size photographs.
  • A photocopy of your ID card or FIN
  • A photocopy of your medical insurance card or certificate
  • A certified photocopy of the graduate degree, or a photocopy and the original (or the original application slip). In the case of foreigners, the approval of the degree in Medicine.
  • Original allocation sheet for residency at Germans Trias Hospital
  • Photocopy of the membership card or certificate
  • Photocopy of the first page of your bank statement (you must be the account holder)
  • If you have children, you must provide a photocopy of the family book
  • Negative sex offender registry certificate


Secretària de Docència    

The Teaching secretary will welcome you the first day, managing all the documentation, such as the contract and the identification card, and organizing the first training sessions. Afterwards, the head of the service anf the tutor will guide you so that you have the first contact with the speciality.

Formació per a residents     During the first month at Germans Trias, the residents will combine the work in the service in the morning with common transversal trainings for everyone.



El Campus Can Ruti



Teaching Committee

It is the body in charge of organizing your training, supervising the practical application and controlling the fulfillment of the objectives set out in the training programs of specialities, as well as making easier the integration of the training activities and the residents in the assistance and ordinary activity from the centre.


The Teaching Committee is formed by a president; a vice president; Dr. Romeu; a group of members representing the tutors and the residents of the different specilities; the welfare director, Josep Mª Mòdol, and the secretary, Susana Calvillo.


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External Rotations


As a resident, you can also choose to do a training period in another centre if you need to learn techniques that are not practiced at Germans Trias and which, depending on your training program, are necessary or complementary.


The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London; the Yale New Heaven Hospital, in the United States; the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Paz de Cubat, in Angola, are a small representation of the hospitals where our residents have rotated.


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Training specialists since 1985


The Hospital has a long teaching history, since it has been training specialists since 1985. From then, the offer of specialities and places has not stopped growing. In total, 38 promotions have been trained at our hospital between 1985 and 2023.


During these years, more than a thousand professionals have taken up residence at Germans Trias. Nearly 40% of them, have continued at the Hospital under contraction. The creation of the talent retention grants in 2012 was a bet by the centre along these lines.


Residents infermeres al Centre de Naixements


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