Requesting proof of assistance or stay, visit or test
The Hospital can issue proof of attendance and/or stay for patients and their companions in the following cases and following the center's requirements.
Patients who have attended an Hospital visit or test performed can issue a proof.
Hospitalized patients
If you have been admitted, ask the secretary of the service that is attending to you, from Monday to Friday from 8.15 a.m. to 2.45 p.m.
You can also request it at the Central Admissions Unit from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
On public holidays and weekends, you can request it at the 24-hour Emergency Department.
You can do it online:
- request for proof of hospital admission
- request for proof of surgical intervention
Patients treated with surgery without admission (Major Ambulatory Surgery)
In the event that we have operated on you without admission, you can request proof of surgical intervention or consult the Major Ambulatory Surgery Unit (CMA).
The receipts will be delivered to the secretary of the Major Ambulatory Surgery Unit.
Patients treated in the Emergency Department
If you have been treated in the Emergency Department:
You can make a request for evidence of attendance at the Emergency by a patient.
- Patients who have attended an Hospital visit or test performed
If you have attended a visit or test performed at the Hospital you can issue a proof.
Companions of hospitalized patients
You can request proof of visit in person.
Consult the Central Admissions Unit from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
On holidays and weekends, you can request it at the 24-hour Emergency Department, but you can only do it in person on the same day you were at the hospital.
Companions to patients treated with surgery without admission (Major Outpatient Surgery)
You can request proof of visit in person.
The receipts will be delivered to the secretary of the Major Ambulatory Surgery Unit.
Companions of patients treated in the Emergency Department
You can request proof of visit in person.
You can ask for the documents at the Emergency Admissions desk.
We remind you that in all cases, both in the case of patients and in the case of companions, you must provide your identification document, which must have been issued by an official body: DNI, passport, NIE, etc.